Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer To Do List

Summer is "spring cleaning" time for my business and especially my website.

The website is in desperate need of an "overhaul". For shopping ease, I'm looking into Zen Cart. Now, I'm fairly technical savvy and can use Dreamweaver with ease but the "php" is a whole new learning curve. If you know anyone who is a Zen Cart whiz who might be interested in "exchange services", I would love to talk to them to save on the hair pulling! :)

As a small business owner, I value my customer feedback and if there is anything you notice on the website, Designing-Diva, that is annoying or could be done better, just drop me a line!

As I overhaul and add new designs, I will be reducing prices on overstock and older items so stay tuned or better yet subscribe to the the Diva's 411 newsletter.

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